Secure Account Sign In

Experience More


If you have not yet logged into our NEW Online Banking experience.

Get Started

Clicking the button above will bring you to a 'Reset your Password' page to confirm your identity and launch your new digital experience.

The Password Reset is required before using the NEW online banking or NEW FIBT mobile app.


Once you have completed the enrollment process for our NEW Online Banking experience, log in using the button below.

Secure Account Login


The new digital experience will require you to download our new mobile app.

If you have an Apple Device – you will simply need to update your current FIBT mobile app. This may happen automatically if you have your device set to. Otherwise you can go to the Apple App store, select your profile icon at the top of the screen, find the FIBT app under Available Updates, and select ‘Update’.

If you have an Android Device – you will need to delete your current FIBT mobile app and download the new FIBT mobile app from the Google Play store.

Download App (iOS)  Download App (Android)