Kayla Kallander
As a mortgage advisor, Kayla’s commitment is to guide clients through the complexities of homeownership with clarity and strategic financial planning. Leveraging a decade of industry experience, her approach centers on tailored advice and empowering education, ensuring each decision is made with confidence. Kayla specializes in loans for first-time home buyers, physicians and repeat buyers! Whether you’re purchasing, refinancing or building, she and her team are ready to guide you.
In addition to her work with FIBT, Kayla serves on the board of directors as treasurer for Homeward Animal Shelter in Fargo, ND and has also served on the Fargo-Moorhead Association of Realtors Communication committee. She co-authored a book on being a next generation loan officer and co-hosts a podcast where she shares local real estate and mortgage news. Kayla is also an ambassador of FirstHome IQ, a non-profit organization, that helps bring financial literacy to the next generation. She delivers presentations and education to her community schools, colleges and businesses empowering them through financial awareness.
Outside of mortgage, Kayla and her husband spend time with their four rescue pitties at their lake home in Minnesota where they enjoy all four seasons that lake life has to offer.